Year 2 2024/25
Year 2 are learning about the Easter story as we will be thinking and finding out what it really means to Christians.
Year 2 are learning how to partition numbers when subtracting , so it is more efficient.
In Year 2 we have been learning about Islam in RE. We have been thinking about what Muslims use to help them remember The 99 beautiful names for Allah and what the names mean.
In RE, Children wrote a prayer ,giving thanks , praise and asking for forgiveness.
Our ICT lessons this term is about coding. Coding is learning how to communicate with computing technology. We have been inputting instructions so that it can follow what we want it to do.
In science this week, Year 2 have been learning about what exercise is and how important it is for our health. We know that we need to exercise so that we have a healthy heart and a strong body.
Year 2 are learning about the basic needs of animals to survive. They created a leaflet to show how to look after a pet and apply their science learning.
Year 2 2023/24
On art day, Year 2 made autumnal wreathes from different materials including natural items they collected from the playground.
Our first topic in Maths in Year 2 is Place Value, and today, Mrs Wilkinson's group spent time working with place value charts and counters to make numbers. They really understood what they were doing and chatted about the value of the numbers they were making, helping each other and even choosing their own numbers to make.
Year 2 2022/23
Y2 went to St Anne’s and learned about the the life boats emergency
services. They had an ice cream and enjoyed playing on the beach .
Year 2 had a live lesson about astronauts in space.
We found out what happens when they brush their teeth in space and what the food is like.
We are making sculptures in our art lesson.
We recycled materials to make monster sculptures!!
We spent the day finding out about the Queen and her life. We created portraits of her in paint.
Year 2 2021/22
Year 2H have been learning about musical opposites. Today, they explored legato (smooth) and staccato (spiky) by composing music in pairs created from dots and lines.
This week in music, Year 2G worked in groups to compose and perform their own weather-themed music. First they chose sounds to represent different types of weather, then organised the music by creating a picture score.
Year 2 H designed and built their own Tabernacles to create a special place to be close to God. They worked together and solved problems to build strong special places.
Year 2G enjoyed a lovely walk to the Woods. We studied the local habitat . We looked at the bare trees because they are deciduous and saw some evergreen trees. There were a few birds' nests as well as squrriels making a home in the trunk of trees. We could see where we were on the map we looked at.
In October, Year 2G's Classroom became a space ship! We travelled into another place in the universe !! We made space helmets and suits. We danced to space music after our take off!!Enter text...
Year 2H investigated Which solid materials change shape? in Science this week. We tested wood, metal, fabric, plastic, sponge and stone. We had to twist, bend, squash and stretch the materials to see if we could change their shape.
In PSHE this week, Year 2H talked about feeling safe.We discussed what it means to feel safe and how feeling safe makes us feel. We also talked about what it feels like when we don't feel safe and which different scenarios would make us feel this way. The children were given scenarios and they role played what we should do or who could help us in that situation. They had lots of fun and were able to understand different behaviours and how we can support each other.
Y2H have been making sculptures of their hands using salt dough in art.
Year 2H had great fun playing card games to help create adjectives using suffixes.
Y2H have been making equal groups in maths, using counters.
Year 2H enjoyed using recycled materials to create sponge monsters in the style of Michelle Reader