'Inclusive education allows students of all backgrounds to learn and grow side by side, to the benefit of all.'
Inclusion or inclusive practice can be defined as attitudes and methods that ensure all learners can access mainstream education. Everyone works to make sure all learners feel welcome and valued, and that they get the right support to help them develop their talents and achieve their goals. When education is truly inclusive it can actually benefit all learners, not just those children with additional or special needs.
At St Paul’s we work extremely hard to make all of our policies, practices and curriculum fully inclusive. We are determined to give all of our children exactly what they need to thrive and learn.
Inclusion means different things for different children. It can be a simple as a pencil grip to help your child with their handwriting, to having specialist provision to help your child learn.
What Inclusion Looks Like at St Paul's CE Primary School
We have adopted many inclusive practices in our school to ensure that all of our children can access the curriculum and learning, appropriately, so that they are able to learn and make progress.
Here is What we Offer
Tallulah, the School Dog
In February 2022, we had Tallulah, Mrs Morris's family dog trained to be the school dog. We also had 2 members of staff to be specialist dog handlers in school.
Although Tallulah, is a relative new member of our school, she has made an incredible difference to school life and her calm and loving nature means that she has made some lasting difference to some of our children.
Click here to visit Tallulah's page.
Our Curriculum
St Paul's has a distinctive curriculum, which is driven by the needs of our children. Our Curriculum motto of See It!, Say It!, Learn It!, Use It!, ensures that all of our children are able to access a relevant curriculum, which meets their needs.
Click here to visit our Curriculum Page.
Lunch Time Clubs
Lunch Time Clubs
Worry Monsters
A Worry Monster is here to help a child to acknowledge, express and let go of their anxieties and worries. A Worry Monster is a supportive friend who will listen to, gobble up and hug away worries.
All of our classes have Worry monster, where children are able to 'post' their worry in the monster.
Some children need to have their own Worry Monster, to help with them through the day.
Lunch Time Clubs
Click on our documents below:
Click on the document below for more information: