'Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.'
Margaret Fuller
Miss North is our phonics reading leader. This is what she says about phonics. I love teaching phonics and see it as a privilege to be there when a child reads a word for the very first time. As a child I loved reading and share many of the books that I had as a child with my class today. Books have the power to take you to other worlds, countries and learn about other people and cultures that you may not get to experience or meet first hand. I want every child at St Paul's to have the skills and knowledge to be able to access these rich stories and develop a passion for reading that will stay with them for life. |
Our Phonics Curriculum
The teaching of phonics is the first steps on our children's Read It! journey.
At St Paul's CE Primary School we aim to provide high quality teaching and learning experiences which result not only in the children becoming skilled and fluent readers, but also in them developing a lifelong love of reading.
At St Paul's, we are a Read Write Inc school.
Read Write Inc (which is a Government approved phonics scheme) is a systematic approach to teaching and developing early reading . Our children are immersed in an environment which is rich in sounds and vocabulary right from the first day in Reception, which ensures that they are prepared with the necessary resources and strategies for reading from the very start of their learning journey.
Throughout the Read Write Inc programme, children learn the English alphabetic code: the 150+ graphemes that represent 44 speech sounds. They rapidly learn sounds and the letter, or groups of letters, they need to represent them in three sets of Speed Sounds Lessons. Simple and enjoyable mnemonics help all children to grasp the letter-sound correspondences quickly, especially those who are at risk of making slower progress or those who are new to learning English. This learning is taught and consolidated every day. High frequency words that are not phonically regular are taught as 'tricky' words (we call these Red Words) and are practised frequently.
Click here to see the Read Write Inc sounds and the order in which they are taught in.
Click here to see the Read Write Inc letter formation mnemonics.
Click here to see the Read Write Inc Red Words.
Once children in Reception class have learnt the Set 1 Speed Sounds and can blend words made up of these sounds, they can then start to read Red Ditty Books and then Storybooks. These lively phonic books are closely matched to the children's increasing knowledge of phonics and 'tricky' words so that, early on, they experience plenty of success. Repeated readings of the texts support their increasing fluent decoding.
A thought-provoking introduction, prompts for thinking out loud and discussion help children comprehend what they are reading.
Children read each story three times. On the first read, children focus on accurate word reading; the second, on developing fluency; and the third, on comprehension. Fluency and comprehension increase with each repeated reading.
Our children love the consistent and systematic approach to teaching and learning and look forward to their daily lesson of Read, Write, Inc with Fred the Frog!
All pupils in Reception and Key Stage 1 are assessed each half term by the Phonics Reading Leader, Miss North. The children are then put into groups based on their reading ability and phonic knowledge. Ongoing assessment means that groups are constantly adjusted to ensure the best progress for each child. If we find that a child is in need of additional support, timely intervention is put in place to ensure that they 'keep up and not catch up'.
Once children have completed the Grey Storybooks (usually at the end of the Autumn term in Year 2) they then access daily Whole Class Reading lessons.
Click here for more information about how we teach Whole Class Reading.
Click here to find out more about our EYFS and Key Stage 1 home reading programme.
Click here for information about our home reading programme for Key Stage 2.
For further information about the teaching of Read Write Inc and for advice on how you can support your child at home, you can watch these parent tutorials by following this link:
Click on the following links for more parents/carers information on how to help your child with phonics at home.
How We Teach Phonics
Click on our documents below:
Intent, Implementation, Impact Statement
Read Write Inc Yearly Overview
Phonics Screening Check