St Paul's CE Primary

St Paul's CE Primary

Shine in the Love of God

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Porritt Street, Bury, BL9 6LJ

0161 764 3788

Year 5B -Mr Browne

Year 5B - Mr BrownE

Year 5B 2024/25

Children have  visited the library to choose their reading for pleasure books.

In English, we have been working in groups to plan Annie's journey along the Niagara Falls in a barrel.

In Music, we have been learning how to play the glockenspiel alongside our class song, Livin' on a Prayer.

In Art, we have made prints of fish for our At The Seaside topic.

This week in Year 5B we have been learning about new yoga poses in our PE lesson.

Year 5 2023/24

In Science, Year 5 have been looking at the life cycle of a butterfly. Our caterpillars arrived at school around 4 weeks ago and started out at 0.5cm long. We have watched the process of metamorphosis, which means to change from one physical state to another. Yesterday, we released the last two of our butterflies so that they could start the life cycle again.

Today we worked practically in Maths, using masking tape and whiteboard pens to create and measure angles.

Viking Day!!!

We kicked off our day by designing and making our own Viking shields.

We then made our own Viking rune necklaces using clay and a variety of tools.

Next, we re-enacted a Viking battle and had the opportunity to show off our costumes. 

We then had an online interactive Zoom session with a Viking from Jorvik Viking Centre.

He taught us about Viking weapons and what it meant to be a Viking!

Finally, to end our day we enjoyed a Viking feast! This consisted of food that would be readily available

to the Vikings, including: bread, nuts, dried fruit, berries, grapes and fresh milk!

On art day, Y5 designed and made jewellery from coloured foil. We then showed it off to Y6 in a fashion show!

Art this week included making a structure of a fish!

We each got 3 pieces of bamboo and taped them together. 
Then we started weaving!
We are each working on our own fish.
We will weave, weave and weave some more!

In our Art lesson last week, we carved fish into pieces of foam and printed them onto different textures.

Today Year 5 worked on place value up to 1 million. We worked practically to tell each other what is the same about the numbers and what is different.

As part of today’s SCARF lesson, we worked on collaboration.

Each team was tasked with building the tallest freestanding tower using only 10 sheets of paper and sellotape.

Year 5 2022/23

Today Year 5 and Year 6 teamed up to learn basic First Aid. 

We thought about the reasons why a person might need first aid.
We had a go at bandaging and isolating broken bones and practiced putting each other into the recovery position.
We role played emergency scenarios and considered what we would do to help someone.
Finally, we experienced what it would be like to give someone CPR and talked about how the process differed depending on the recipient. 

As part of our Living Things Science topic, we have had caterpillars in class, so we could learn about their life cycles and see it in action. We watched the caterpillars transform as they followed the process of metamorphosis. The caterpillars took around 14 days to complete metamorphosis, eventually turning into butterflies. 

This week we have researched David Attenborough and the work he is most famous for. We watched his documentary: A Life on Our Planet, which covers his life's work and explores how humans are destroying our planet.
We then worked in groups to create a school community campaign, making posters and sharing our ideas to change the future with the class. 

Last week, Year 5 went to the Lowry Art Gallery at Salford Quays to learn about the artist LS Lowry.

Today, Year 5 looked at asexual reproduction in plants. We learnt that when asexual reproduction happens a clone of the original plant is created! We then took cuttings from a geranium plant to recreate this process. We will have new geraniums ready to plant in approximately 2 weeks!

For the last few weeks Year 5 have been taking part in weekly yoga activities to replace our normal SCARF lessons.

We started each session with a calming, breathing exercise.

Each week we learnt a new yoga pose, some of these included; frog, child, mountain, river, crocodile, boat, tree, rag doll, dog, warrior and table top. We finished each session with a yoga story, during which we listened to a relaxing story and practiced happy breathing.

Our Trip to Jodrell Bank!

We started our day off with a BANG!

We learnt about the Great Red Spot on Jupiter and about the storms and hurricanes it experiences! Then we watched as one was recreated with fire! After that, we learnt about NASA and ESA’s plans for people to eventually live on Mars! We learnt about the effects of the atmosphere and were shown what would happen to a human body if scientists could not recreate the perfect atmosphere to support life! We watched as ‘Marshmallow Man’ started to expand

To finish off our morning session, we watched as a rocket launch was recreated. Using a tiny bit of ethanol as fuel, a plastic bottle and a flame, we witnessed the speed at which rockets are launched into space!

watched the model Solar System, showing the speed of the Earth’s orbit of the Sun compared to the other 7 planets in our Solar System.

Our last part of the day was spent in the Space Dome Planetarium. This was a 3D experience that made us feel like we were in space!

We got the opportunity to look at the Earth from space!

We then looked at some of the Stars that form our Solar System. 

 had a go at guessing some of the names of the constellations. 

We learnt their real names, we found out they were named after Greek Gods.

Finally, we looked at the beautiful galaxy that we live in: The Milky Way. We ended our fun filled day with a play on the park!

Finally, we looked at the beautiful galaxy that we live in: The Milky Way

We started off our day at Smithills Hall by getting dressed for the occasion! We were all given Tudor clothing and a role to play for the day.

We had a tour of the house and had the opportunity to talk about the lives of Tudor people- rich and poor!

We learnt about the role of the servant, bed bugs and the most important role in the Tudor home… The Master of the Stool!

We talked about Henry VIII and his six wives and what happened to them! We discussed the role of the Catholic Church during the Tudor period and how in his pursuit for a divorce from Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIII created the Church of England!

We spent some time in the chapel and learnt that during the Victorian Era a fire destroyed all of the chapel- except for the stained-glass window.

We learnt about the Barton Family, who used to live at Smithills Hall. We were told that as many Tudors could not read the family name- Barton- was represented by a barrel and a stick so that when anyone from the home was out in the local area, people knew which home they belonged to.

We then had a Tudor feast. Some of us were served and some were servants. We learnt that The Tudors added lots of herbs to their food to make them smell and taste better- there were no fridges to keep meat fresh!

We then learnt a traditional Tudor dance and played a game of skittles.

Year 5 were investigating the force of gravity this week. We learnt about Isaac Newton and the Newton Metre. We worked in pairs to conduct an investigation comparing an item's weight and mass. 

This week Year 5 played a game of charades, as part of our MyHappyMind/ SCARF lesson. Each group was given a character strength that they had to act out and the rest of the class had to guess which one it was. 

We had SUCH a good day for our Great St Paul's Bake Off! We learnt loads about vegetables, preserving fruit to keep it longer and of course, how to bake! We created our own apple pie, which was baked and served up at lunch time with custard or ice cream! We also created our own packaging and made peppermint creams and chocolate truffles as gifts to go home. It was such a great day! 

On Odd Socks Day we wore odd socks, and thought about ways we could reach out during this Anti Bullying week and beyond. 

In Science we have been learning about thermal insulators, and about which materials are the best thermal instulators. 

We each chose an item from a feely bag and described it using its properties.

Each person then had to guess what each item was with the clues provided. 

We then worked to group the items dependent using their properties.  

Year 5 have been using atleses to find out about the UK.

Year 5 have been working hard to divide by 10, 100 and 1000!

As part of our seaside-themed art topic, Year 5 have been weaving the shape of a fish using ribbon, crepe paper and plastic.

Year 5 enjoyed Viking Day, coming dressed as Vikings and taking part in lots of activities to increase their knowledge of the Viking period. 

Year 5 enjoyed editing their story writing together this week!

SCARF in Year 5 started with a collaboration challenge. Each team had 6 sheets of paper and a roll of sellotape and had to make the tallest  free-standing tower possible. 

Year 5 loved starting off the year with a bouncy Friday! 

Year 5 2021/22

Year 5 have started a new Design Technology topic - seasonal cooking. Today, we tasted some fruit and vegetables which grow in different seasons in the UK and learned which food crops are imported from around the world. We also talked about how eating seasonally can promote sustainability in the future.

Year 5 are studying North American Artists in Art. Today we learnt about Mary Cassatt who painted scenes from everyday life. Then we painted scenes from the classroom by looking at photographs of members of our class doing different activities in previous lessons.

Year 5 have been learning about the life cycles of insects and butterflies, as part of this we are watching our very own caterpillars complete metamorphosis. When this happens we will release our fully formed butterflies! 

Today in art, Year 5 were learning about the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright. We looked at pictures of the buildings he designed and drew our own flamboyant designs on squared paper. Then we built them using a variety of building block equipment from around school.

During our science lesson today, we demonstrated asexual reproduction by taking cuttings from a geranium plant and putting them into water to make them reproduce. We are going to watch their progress over the next few weeks as they reproduce.

On Thursday last week, Year 5 visited the Lowry Centre in Salford Quays. We enjoyed learning about LS Lowry's artwork in the gallery and even did some of our own to take home! It was a lovely sunny day and we ate by the canal at Media City before returning on the Metrolink. We hope that this visit will help to kick-start our new history topic, The Industrial Revolution.

Year 5 have started to learn our newest text, The First Time. You can read it here, or take a look at our text map below, which illustrates the story to help us remember it. We're going to be writing our own conquering the monster stories, inspired by our model text. 

Year 5 have  enjoyed being creative this week making their Easter cards. I hope that you enjoy them! 

Year 5 worked in pairs to edit their Journey stories today.

Year 5 are learning to play rhythmic patterns in 5-time! Here they are performing on drums, glockenspiels and violins.

We teamed up with Year 1 and shared some stories. We took part in DEAR (Drop Everything And Read!). We looked at the artist Jean- Michel Basquiat and recreated some of his famous art. 

As part of our science Earth and Space, we were trying to prove that the Earth isn't flat. To do this we Zoom-called Mrs Hill's sister who lives in Bali, Indonesia to show the children that it was 9:30pm. Which was further proof that the world isn't flat because of the time-zones around the world. We then played planet "speed dating" where we moved around the classroom to find out facts about each planet. Which we then used to complete pictures of the solar system. 

We had the chance to listen to and chat to the very inspiring Freya Levy. Her story of overcoming adveristy and never giving up and all the things she has achieved were SO very inspiring!

As part of our art topic, Wildlife Birds,  Year 5 created sculptures of bird from modroc and painted them.

On St Paul’s Day, Year 5 made clay hearts to reflect our Christian value of love….and link with our art topic!

Year 5 have been learning about air resistance. We completed an experiment to find about its effect. We made our won paracheutes and went outside to test them.

Year 5 are learning to play the ocarina! They have learnt to play all the different notes on the instrument and here they are learning the first piece in the book.

As part of the St Paul’s Day celebrations in Year 5, we made clay tiles in the shape of a heart to represent the love of Jesus that St Paul wrote about in his letters. They are yet to be decorated so watch this space!

Y5 have been learning about how to separate different materials. Here they are trying to make dirty water clean again!

Year 5 have started a new topic in science. This week they had fun guessing what was inside feely-bags, then sorted the different objects in the bags according to their properties. Look at all the different ways they can be sorted!

Year 5 have been learning how to sew as part of their Design Technology topic. Today they learned running stitch, overstitch, back stitch and blanket stitch. Even Mrs Morris came to help!

Year 5 attempted to climb to the top of the ropes in the hall as one of the “100 things” they should all have the opportunity to do while they are at St Pauls’. Not many succeeded on this occasion, but Mr Toth is going to practise this skill in the next gymnastics unit of work during the year!

Today, Year 5 enjoyed a Viking day to celebrate the end of our history topic. Everyone looked fabulous and there were some amazing home-made weapons. During the day we researched Viking gods, created our own jewellery, painted Viking realms and had a feast!

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