Year 4 - Miss Jolly & mr purdey
Year 4 2024/25
The Year 4 pupils put their French learning to the test by going head to head in a noun translation battle.
As part of our preparation for Mental Health Week, Year 4 have been learning to conduct listening mediatations in our classroom. We then went outside to discover how to conduct walking mediatations in the playground. We are really starting to understand how we can control our emotions rather than let them control us.
This week, Year 4 have taken part in a drama activity to further their understanding of what happens in their current class book: Escape from Pompeii. For each event that takes place in the book, the children created a freeze frame scene depicting what each character would be doing at that moment in time.
Year 4 have enjoyed finding out the links between Anglo-Saxon invaders and the names that we still use today for British towns, cities, villages and counties. They enjoyed the competition of which tables could find the most Anglo-Saxon names. We focused on names that ended in 'ham', 'ford' and 'worth.' We were happy to find out that Bury means a strong or fortified place.
Year 4 have been enjoying looking at different artworks based on still life. We have looked at three classical pieces of art that showed fruit and vegetables. We then cut peppers in half and began to sketch what we could see. Our focus was on capturing small details.
Year Four have been looking at states of matter this term in science and on Monday they looked at the water cycle. The children learnt about the water cycle in two different ways, matched key vocabulary about the water cycle to their definitions and labelled a water cycle diagram. Finally, they made a working model of the water cycle to place in a window at home. The children created their own water cycle diagram and attached this to a bag with coloured water in it. When hung up on a window, the heat will evaporate the water and it will condense as drops at the top of the bag, before running down back into the water to start again, just like in the water cycle.
This week in our science lesson, Y4 looked at the concepts of melting and freezing materials by looking at ice. They studied ice balloons by sketching what they could see and trying to spot solids, liquids and gases. They also used salt to learn more about how gritting lorries work. Finally, they put food dye on the ice to see how the water created little ravines in the ice as it melted. I wonder if your child can remember the temperature that water freezes at?
To make your own ice balloon to study, you need a balloon, water and access to a freezer. Fill the balloon with water, but don not overfill it. Place the balloon in a freezer for two days. Remove the balloon from the freezer and cut off the balloon. You should have a perfect ice balloon to examine.
Year Four are currently undertaking a design technology project about kites. So far, they have explored the history of kites, looked at the parts of a kite, studied different kind types and made a fully functioning paper kite by following instructions. In the remaining weeks they will be designing and making their own kite using everyday materials. If you have a kite at home, maybe you could fly it with your child on a crisp winter day in the park.
Year Four are also working really hard during their maths lessons. Every morning they complete halving and doubling sheets, multiplication grids and steps to mastery work. You can help out by making sure your child learns their multiplication tables up to 12x12 off by heart at home.
Year Four are learning all about the Pentecost and how this impacted on Jesus’ disciples. The children were amazed about what happened at Pentecost and are enjoying this topic.
In Y4 we are studying all the imaginary lines drawn around the Earth and how they are used to help people find there way around.
We have started using a new PSHE scheme of work called Jigsaw, and our class piece of the jigsaw is called Jaz. The cat is used to help the children pause for thought!
The children in Year Four really enjoy their maths lessons and learning how to answer complicated questions.
Year Four had a Romans in Britain day today. A lot of the children dressed up specially for the day and others made shields and wrist bands in school ready for the big day.
In the morning. The children had fun being Romans for the day, although some children came as Boudicca, ready to repel the Roman invaders.
Year Four have spent the day learning more about the Romans in Britain some of the amazing things they brought over here with them, such as mosaics.
The children spent the afternoon making mosaics, either using a provided template or by imagining their own designs. The children also watched a short film about real mosaics and learnt about the materials they were crafted from.
Year Four learnt about different Roman Gods and Goddesses that were worshipped in Britain during the time the Romans were here.
The children played a game of ‘Top Trumps’ about Roman Gods so that they could learn as many facts as possible. They then made a Roman Gods Book to show some of these characters. Finally, the children took a set of the cards home with them to play again, as part of their Romans in Britain goody bags. The children thoroughly enjoyed the whole day.
Year Four are loving their music lessons with Mr Atkinson. They are doing a unit of work based around the classic Abba song ‘Mamma Mia’, with added xylophones. The 70’s disco classic is a big hit all over again in our class!
Year Four had their final session of basketball this week, and they had to work hard as part of their end of unit assessment. The children love the new PE coaches and being able to develop their ball skills in the playground.
The children in Year Four are really excited about their ‘Romans in Britain’ day this Friday. The children have the opportunity to prepare some shields and armour in class before the big day, and some children are even making helmets to wear on the big day. It promises to be a fact-filled fun day for the children.
In Year 4 we have been learning about the Romans in Britain. We have learnt about how Romans invaded Britain, about Boudica and her rebellion and all about what the Romans did for us. We are also making shields and armbands ready for our Roman Day on the last day of term.
Year 4 have been doing autumn prints in their art work. We used polystyrene tiles and carved our designs out using lollipop sticks so as not to break the materials. We then chose our own colours and applied these to rollers before making our prints. We made copies for displays and a print in our books too. The tiles we carved into also looked good when we dried them so we put some of these on display too.
In Year Four, we have been continuing our leaf themed artwork. This week we made leaves out of paper then used scoring and folding techniques to make the leaves have different shades of colour.
Y4 have settled in really well to their new classroom and already hard at work on their new science topic, learning about the digestive system and teeth. They have really enjoyed finding out all the exciting things that happen in our bodies as we eat food. Maybe you could ask them how long it takes food to go from your mouth to your stomach? It may surprise you.
Y4 are also enjoying their space themed reading area and the books inside it. They really are finding out that reading takes you out of this world.
They are also enjoying our new approach to whole class reading, with plenty of exciting activities based around exciting texts.
Year 4 2023/24
We had lots of fun on our Roman Day!
On art day, Y4 made colourful pictures and patterns using wool and sticky-back plastic.
Year 4 2022/23
We have LOVED our recent topic on bread! Today, we finally got to make our own bread, with added ingrediants of our own choice! We had sweet bread, savoury bread, some bread filled with a right concoction! Look how proud of our baking skills we are!
Recently, Year 4 were lucky enough to have a whole day of Science, linked to our topic about sound.
Sam came to spend the day with us, and taught us SO much about sound! We learnt about sound waves and how they travel through different things, including a big wooden box! We learnt about how the size of something that makes a noise affects the sound it makes, as well as how to hold or hand a pipe or piece of wood to hear it resonate.
In the afternoon, we had the opportunity to make our own instruments and could choose what sort of instrument to make!
It was SO much fun and we learnt SO much!
Mr Atkinson runs a lunchtime social homework club for children who want to improve their times tables knowledge, spelling ability or who just want a chat.
We're learning about recounts at the moment. This is story map of our recount text, which is written as a letter. You can read it here.
We’ve been working on categorising different words at the start of our English lesson today.
As part of our Christmas RE topic, we have made Christingles, learning about the history of them and what each part represents. We took them home to enjoy.
We have been studying the different states of matter this term. We investigated the melting point of chocolate to see when it changed state from a solid into a liquid.
Y4 children are enjoying the new novel they are studying in shared reading on Thursdays and Friday. It's called "Song of the Dolphin Boy," by Elizabeth Laird.
The children are enjoying their Monday PE lessons learning about team games in the hall.
Year 4 are studying states of matter in science and ice balloons contain gas, have a solid and can melt into a liquid. The children wrote up about what they found out in their science books.
In Science this week, we studied different types of teeth then tried to reconstruct a jaw in science.
Year 4 are settling in well to the new routines and working hard! Here are some of our children in our second teaching space - The Haven!
Year 4 2021/22
Y4 have been finding out about prayer in RE and have made prayer cubes to help create prayers.
Y4 took part in an amazing science day and made sounds using metal bars, straws, thunder drums and other items. We also watched air travelling using a fog machine and an 'air cannon'. We had lots of fun and the children asked lots of good scientific questions.
In science we have been learning about how to change the pitch of sounds and we made simple panpipes to hear sounds at different pitches. The children enjoyed making these instruments but unfortunately they did not sound as tuneful as the real things!
Children draw on paper underneath their tables to see how difficult it must have been to paint the Sistine Chapel lying on your back. It wasn't easy!
Children sort out different fractions into smaller groups.
Year 4 acted as sound waves in Science!
Year 4 have been researching pangolins to write a new information text. The children find these creatures fascinating and are enjoying doing the research for their project.
In Y4 we loved Wellbeing Wednesday! We connected with Reception class in the morning. We also did a 5 kilometre race for life and made signs to show we had entered the race. Y4 had a very calm wellbeing day and learnt a lot about how to keep calm and well in our lives.
In Y4 we have been making still life clay models of peppers out of clay.
We are loving our study of What We’ll Build by Oliver Jeffers! We’re building towers!
Our Kites topic was such fun! Here are just a few of the finished products!
Y4 have been conducting a science experiment about changing states of water.
In Y4 we’ve been learning about, and making, Christingles!
We’ve been working on our Let’s Go Fly a Kite topic for the last few weeks!
We had such a great day for our Africa day! We learnt loads and had such good fun!