St Paul's CE Primary

St Paul's CE Primary

Shine in the Love of God

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Porritt Street, Bury, BL9 6LJ

0161 764 3788

Year 6 - Miss Wilkinson

Year 6 - Miss Wilkinson

Year 6 2024/25

Y6 have explored the artist David Olivera and evaluated his wire sculptures. We have used wire to create our own flower sculptures. 

Y6 Science Investigation - How do different exercises impact our bodies?

Y6 Role playing scenes from our Pathways to Write book, Star of Fear, Star of Hope. We looked at how to convey character emotions and thought about how to use intonation.

Year 6 have been learning about neurodiversity, as well as equality v equity. Two of our activities included a doctor role play and the children created their own acrostic for neurodiversity.

Year 6 2023/24

Y6 enjoyed a very informative lesson with the NSPCC last week! 

We created pieces of art on Rembrance Day.

Oracy to elevate learning task
Sorting to order – We had to order the maps chronologically to show how Europe changed before and during WWII. We used our talk tactics to support our discussion.

We went outside to create our own moving version of the circulatory system. Red paper was used to represent oxygenated blood and blue paper to represent deoxygenated blood (we know our blood isn’t really blue!). Pictures of the lungs, heart and body helped us flow in the correct direction, enabling us to show our knowledge of the continuous cycle that is our circulatory system and the vital roles the heart, lungs, blood and blood vessels have within our bodies.

Year 6 2022/23

Today Year 5 and Year 6 teamed up to learn basic First Aid. 

We thought about the reasons why a person might need first aid.
We had a go at bandaging and isolating broken bones and practiced putting each other into the recovery position.
We role played emergency scenarios and considered what we would do to help someone.
Finally, we experienced what it would be like to give someone CPR and talked about how the process differed depending on the recipient. 

To celebrate the end of SATs, this afternoon, Y6 have designed and built dens, as well as using our new outdoor space and making 'smores!

We recently dressed in red, white and blue as part of our celebration of King Charles 3rd's corronation!

Our recent Y6 trip to Moorland Home was amazing! We learnt new things, pushed the boundaries of what we thought we could do and had an amazing time! 

Year 6 are studying South American artists this half term. Here are some clay tablets they made featuring symbols and pictures in the style of the artist Torres Garcia.

Year 6 recently enjoyed a trip to The Football Museum in Manchester, to explore the changes to football in the 20th Century, to link to the History topic about the Evolution of Entertainment that they've been studying. It was a great day out! 

This term, Year 6 have been studying ancient masks in art and practising drawing faces. Here are some of their model masks made from clay. Next week, they will be designing and making full size masks from papier mache!

Y6 oracy ordering task, using Bibles to order events in RE.

Snow Fun! 

Classification - If I was a taxonomist...

Year 6 really enjoyed our Great St Paul's Bake Off day! They made apple pies, which they then had as part of their lunch, and created a gift box and peppermint creams as a gift for somone at home. A very productive day! 

In Science we have been exploring the symbols used to draw circuits. 

Y6 have started their oracy journey. We have our discussion guidelines to show we are actively listening and responding appropriately. Y6 are using the talk tactics of instigate (starting the talk) and build (building on what others have said) across our full curriculum. We participated in a consensus circle liked to our whole class reading book and key thought provoking discussion points. We have enjoyed lots of new activities and using talk to elevate learning. 

This week we have been investigating heart rate and how it changes during and after exercise. 

Year 6 have recently had a performance called Crossing the Line. The piece explores child criminal exploitation (CCE) through a monologue from 19 year old Sean to his younger brother, Ben (age 15). Sean talks about the 'elders' (gang members) who try to give him trainers in return for running errands for them.

 Crossing the Line is a way to engage with children and teach them about:

- healthy choices

- healthy relationships

- saying no / peer pressure

- who to talk to / safe routes to help


Year 6 watched the performance and participated in discussion workshops. We asked lots of questions and shared lots of mature answers. Back in class, we carried on our discussions and worked in groups to delve further into healthy relationships, peer pressure, grooming, keeping secrets, being used and police help. We made posters to show our thoughts and understanding.

Year 6 have been very interested in their World War 2 topic. Here they are exploring some of the resources we have had in class. 

During October, Year 6 have been learning about Black History Month, and created presentations in groups, which they shared with the class. A big well done all round for the quality of presentations they created and the information they shared. 

This term, Year 6 have been creating artwork inspired by plants and flowers. Here is some of their work made using the hapazome technique (hammering) of the artist India Flint.

On Science day we met Pam, the microbiologist, who told us all about her job and about microorganisms. We made our own microorganisms

We also met  the paramedics, learnt about their job and what it involved and had a look in the ambulance. 

Year 6 have been learning about the circulatory system in science this half term. Can you tell?

Year 6 2021/22

Y6 went over to Hazelwood last week to use their facilities to make Chilli con carne as part of our DT topic, Global Food.

Y6 completed a series of investigations into angles. We recapped prior knowledge, shared ideas, created poster prompts and then explored new problems.

Y6 have been further investigating light and reflection and have used torches and mirrors to direct light and created periscopes to see higher than you can usually see! 

Y6's Science topic is about light and we have been investigating light and it's properties using torches. 

Y6 have been learning about area and perimeter. They drew on tables with whiteboard pens to work out area and perimeter!

Year 6 are buidling cars, that use kinetic energy to move, from a kit. Some great team work on show and the cars are looking fabulous!

Y6 had a great day on World Book Day! We had some fantastic entries to the paper plate competition, enjoyed reading with younger children and had lots of book related fun! 

We had the chance to listen to and chat to the very inspiring Freya Levy. Her story of overcoming adveristy and never giving up and all the things she has achieved were SO very inspiring!

We REALLY enjoyed our trip to the National Football Museum in Manchester! It was so good!

Year 6 really enjoyed our recent Well-being Wednesday activity day! This is them holding up their Race for Life signs, with who they were racing for!

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