St Paul's CE Primary

St Paul's CE Primary

Shine in the Love of God

Welcome to our website

Porritt Street, Bury, BL9 6LJ

0161 764 3788




Key Phone Numbers and Documents


  • CPOMS for teachers
  • Make a referral to Children's Services -  0161 253 5678
  • Children's Services Out of Hours -  0161 253 6606
  • LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) - 0161 253 6168 or email
  • Interagency Referral Form
  • Bury Integrated Safeguarding Partnership
  • St Paul's CE Primary School out of hours safeguarding reporting email:
Policies and Guidance
Golden Rules...
  •  Yes, it could happen here.
  • Safeguarding is for everyone.
  • Little things matter - remember the jigsaw puzzle!
  • Always ensure children's wellbeing
  • Act quickly! Speak to a DSL - straightaway!
  • Record carefully and fully - time, day, date, who, what, when, where - records child's voice directly; no leading questions.
  • Follow up afterwards
What to do if you have a concern about a child
  • Act quickly
  • Ring school 0161 764 3788 and say you need to speak to someone about a safeguarding concern
  • Speak to the DSL (Designated Safeguarding Leader) - Mr Purdey or a DDSL (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader) - Mrs Morris.  If neither of these staff are in school, you may also speak to Miss North or Mr Atkinson.  These 2 members of staff are also DDSLs.
  • Staff: create a CPOMS entry. If necessary, call or speak to a DSL. Not got a number? Phone someone who does.
  • If you need to seek advice or make a referral yourself, and a DSL cannot be contacted, then you must phone 0161 253 5678 Out of hours phone 0161 253 6606. In an emergency, phone 999. This document is really helpful, too – it walks you through the process step by step.
When should I call the Police?
Thresholds Guidance

Click here for Bury Local Authority's Continuum of Need Document.

Click here to visit our Helpful Resources Page for more information about safeguarding.

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