A Safe Environment
Our Approach to Making our Children Feel Safe
At St Paul's CE Primary School, we work hard to provide a safe environment for all of our children, so that they can flourish, learn and be the person that they want to be.
We achieve this through a number of ways:
- A whole school safeguarding approach
- An inclusive and trauma informed approach
- An inclusion team of teachers and teaching assistants who are ready to ensure that children get the support that they need to be successful learner and happy children.
- A curriculum that is accessible to all pupils, regardless of any barriers to learning, including SEND and English as a second language.
- Staff who understand the context of the school, our pupils and our families.
- Smaller than average teaching groups for Maths and English.
- A dedicated pastoral team, led by the Deputy Head Teacher (Mr Purdey).
- A visible and approachable Senior Leadership Team.
- A family Support Worker.
- Tallulah, our school dog, who is ready to deal with children who are upset, distressed or anxious.
- A dedicated office team, ready to help our children and families when necessary.
Our Safeguarding Statement
We are fully committed to comprehensive safeguarding practices aimed at ensuring children are safe in both school and at home. The following is a summary of our safeguarding in practice at St Pauli's:
- All staff are DBS checked as part of the recruitment procedures and are made aware of our safeguarding policies and procedures during their induction.
- All staff annually attend safeguarding training as part of their Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
- When conducting each recruitment process, one member of SLT who has attended the Safer Recruitment training would always be on the panel.
- All visitors to school are signed in at reception and accompanied by a member of staff whilst in school.
- Professional partners such as a social worker or medical professional do not always have a member of staff with them, when working with individual children, however they will all have a current DBS.
- Visiting professionals/supply staff are asked to show photographic identification prior to entering school and their DBS details would be confirmed by their employer.
- All adults who collect children from school at any point in the school day must be on the contact list in the office/classroom or children do not leave the building .
- All permanent members of staff have photographic ID for swipe-card entry
- All entry points into the building are safeguarded with self-locking security doors with swipe to enter locking devices.
- The school's Healthy Relationships curriculum teaches children how to look after themselves and to keep safe and identifies safe adults beyond the family to confide in at times of distress or identified danger
- E-Safety is a taught module within the Computing curriculum which happens in the first half term of each new school year, generating public display and E Safety is continually referred back to in the teaching of Computing lessons
- All staff employed by St Paul's are aware of and use the CPOMs system. This informs senior staff of any concerns in regards to the wellbeing of our children.
- ·A first day response is in place for all children that are absent from school. This would be a phone call home, followed by a home visit if required.
- Prevent Radicalisation and Extremism training for staff and, moving forward, older children through the Bury Prevent Team.
- As part of St Paul's commitment to keeping children safe we have signed up to implement the principles and aims of the Encompass Model. Click here to visit the Operation Encompass page.